Sunday, July 13, 2008

Who's got the Funk?

I've been a bit truant in blog posting lately. I guess you could say that I have been in a slight funk. Not sure why. Perhaps it has something to do with being...(ahem) unemployed since April. Perhaps it's because I have been neglecting my jewellery business, or because I'm still not selling as well as I would like on Etsy. Basically, I'm bored and uninspired!

I decided to take down all my Etsy jewellery photos the other day and start from scratch. I will be taking new pictures of my work. I am also creating some new pieces of jewellery. I'm even thinking of developing some grand marketing scheme...well, maybe not that grand of a scheme but anyway, it's time I tried something new.

Here's a sample of some necklaces I have been working on lately.

I had a motley of costume beads that I picked up at a flea market a few years back. They had been sitting around in a bag and I had no idea what to do with them. They weren't the usual precious gemstones that I am inclined to drool over and create with. I felt no rush to use them in my work. Some of the beads were glass, others plastic, a couple were made of tin, and there were brass ones as well. Some of the beads might even be retro - dating back to the 1980s or earlier.

Well, I'm happy to say that I finally took these beads and made them into exotic "Moroccan" inspired necklaces. I actually am quite pleased with the results of these necklaces. I have yet to post them on my Etsy shop but I will be doing that very soon.


kickpleat said...

I totally can understand that funk feeling! it's good to delve into a project and get started on some ideas...good luck! I can't wait to check out your newly revamped etsy shop!

Joanne said...

Thanks kickpleat! I'm thinking up all kinds of new approaches for Etsy.

Anonymous said...

Just thought I'd let you know that I posted some new horror movie reviews. You may now stop plotting to kick my ass. ; )