Friday, January 18, 2008

A Good Product.

Well folks, it's that time of year again. Back to a fitness regime. I signed up at a local fitness club recently, really keen on getting back into an aqua fitness program, as I really came to enjoy it in the past. It's the perfect form of exercise for me and my ailing back.

While in the process of purchasing the required pool necessities: bathrobe, combination lock, mini shampoo/conditioner bottles and other fitness club regalia, I came across this product by Speedo.

It's basically a chamois and boy-o-boy does it soak up water. After my first swim class, I used the chamois to absorb the residual water from my hair and I was amazed at it's absorbent ability. It's better than a towel because you can actually wring it out and re-use it, whereas a bath towel remains wet and heavy until you throw it in the dryer.

I've also seen this chamois at MEC (Mountain Equipment Co-op / and the great thing is that MEC carries these in various sizes and colours. I purchased my chamois from New Balance ( and it comes in a variety of colours: pink, yellow, white, green, purple and blue but alas, it was only available in one size: the size of a face towel (12.5" x 16.5").

Nevertheless, I highly recommend this product to those individuals that dread having to carry bulky towels to the gym and wet, heavy towels back home. And for those individuals - like myself - who do not want to pay an extra fee for towel service.

I'm giving this product 4 out of 5 based on the following: usability/functional, convenience, safety, and durability.

In terms of aesthetics I found this product lacking - which is totally okay. I don't feel that this product necessarily needs to be aesthetic. Despite the various colours avaliable - I found the appearance of this chamois reminiscent of an auto chamois and not a body towel.

Product review is based on the following criteria:
  • Usability/Functional
  • Safety/Comfort
  • Aesthetics
  • Convenience
  • Durability

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