Wednesday, May 19, 2010

All things blue...

I'm briefly resurfacing ~ from resume writing ~ to tell you all that I have a new feature in my Etsy shop. And it'!

I'm introducing Gift Certificates! I've had the idea bouncing around in my head for some time and then this week I thought "why not?" Why not just design some digital gift certificates for my Etsy shop, so that friends can give each other the gift of jewellery without committing to one specific item. There's nothing worse that buying something for your girlfriend or mom only to never see them wear it because...{insert one of many reasons} they don't wear red, or pink, or earrings, or bracelets....

I've got the certificates in denominations of $10, $15 and $20 dollars but customers can also request a higher denomination if they like. Just send me a message vie Etsy and I'll whip one up for you in no time.

Two new and blue jewellery items that I've added to my Etsy shop:

1) A playful pair of genuine aquamarine (icy blue) and sterling silver earrings.

2) An Egyptian inspired 3-strand necklace with genuine turquoise "marquis" stones and a durable sterling silver clasp.

As an aside, the weather here in Toronto has perked up considerably, the skies are blue and I have started to go for leisurely, (okay, who am I kidding)....intense (huffing and puffing) uphill/downhill bike rides along city streets, bike trails and paths in my neighbourhood.

For those that are into bicycles, here's a pic of my 2 year old turquoise blue bike. Cute, eh? It would look even nicer with a basket on the front.

This long weekend, I'll be riding my bike...among other things.

To my fellow Canadians, how will you be spending the Victoria Day long weekend? Or the weekend in general?