Thursday, October 2, 2008

before and after

Before ...

and after...

After a series of setbacks with scheduling a hair appointment, waiting over 2 weeks for the appointment to arrive, being 20 minutes late for the appointment, having the Aveda salon send me home for being late (can you believe that?), and re-scheduling for the very next day, only to have the salon call me a couple of hours earlier and tell me they will have to re-schedule due to a an issue with the student appointed to cut my hair - sigh !

I gave up on Aveda and went to a girlfriend's trusted hair salon...And, I actually got an appointment on the same day!! The haircut itself lasted a mere half hour compared to the hour and half that I normally am required to sit in a chair when an Aveda student cuts my hair.

So...f-ck Aveda and hooray for me!! I was inspired to write that from one of kickpleat's (Everybody Likes Sandwiches and The Small Joys) fab greeting cards found on Etsy!!

Anyway, I will no longer be clogging up the bathtub drain with grotesque amounts of long hair. Hip hip hurray! Hear that husband? You will no longer have to fish out huge wads of wet hair from the tub drain. Nor will you find hairy dust bunnies around the house when you use the Swiffer duster. And you won't find a curly strand of my hair in the Greek salad either...actually, that's not entirely true...the hair just happened to be on the plate and then the salad was placed on top!

The best thing about having short hair is less time required to fuss with it. Also, less shampoo and conditioner and styling products are required, which means "save your money" (think ING banking commercial).

Finally, I have spotted the cutest cloche hat on Etsy which I truly need to get in order to keep my head warmer in the winter months. So, here's to nice haircuts and nice cute hats!!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

My New Kitchen Buddy: Double Action Potato Masher

I purchased this potato masher a few months ago but had not used it until this weekend. The most obvious reason being that mash potatoes is just not a summer time food. This evening however, I was in the process of making tofu chili and had just emptied the contents of two cans of plum tomatoes into the pot. I decided to use my potato masher to mash up the whole tomatoes, rather than dice them up beforehand.

This kitchen tool worked like a charm. The 'dual action' mashes both the tomatoes on the bottom of the pot as well as any tomatoes floating around in the liquid. Awesome!!

With Canadian Thanksgiving just around the corner, this masher would be perfect for making sweet potato mash or garlic mash potatoes!

Best Features:
  • stainless steel for easy clean up
  • can withstand high temperatures
  • comfortable handle
  • minimal use of force required; great for people with arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome
  • can be used for mashing tomatoes, potatoes, boiled eggs, tofu, bananas and cooked carrots